Capital Campaign

Make your pledge or donate today to the St. Nicholas Capital Campaign of 2022!
Become a pillar in the foundation of our future.


Dear Stewards of St. Nicholas,

Ninety years ago, the founding fathers and mothers of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church arrived in America, at an early age, with great hope, for this, the land of opportunity. They sacrificed and worked tirelessly and selflessly to build a Greek Orthodox Church they could not only worship in, but that they could gather as a family with common ties and common goals. Today, the church they founded is our church, and our spiritual home. They entrusted us with their legacy.

Now, it is our turn to make a once-in-a-generation sacrifice to build the future of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church on the foundation of faith that our forefathers started. Our beautiful Church needs us now, to join together to write the next chapter in the life of our parish. Let us come together as the next generation of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church family to build on the legacy of our founders, to guarantee the future of our beloved spiritual home for us, our children, and our children’s children. The goal of the Capital Campaign is to raise $500,000. This money will give us the ability to complete the immediate capital projects quickly. Then, for future improvements, the interest generated from Endowment Foundation donations will be helping to maintain our capital needs and make annual improvements as needed.

You have up to three years to fulfill your pledge. Once your commitment is paid in full, we will recognize your gift on a plaque displayed as follows:

Donation Levels

Supporter: $1,000 to $4,999

Sponsor: $5,000 to $9,999

Benefactor: $10,000 to $25,000

Grand Benefactor: Above $25,000

Please join us by making a once-in-a-generation donation to the campaign—an investment in your faith and the future of our church for years to come. Use the link below to make your donation to the Capital Campaign. Pledge cards will be mailed and are also available in the narthex and in the hall outside the Jarvis Center.

Thank you for your generosity! May God bless you and your family.

In Christ,

Melissa Bouzianis - Committee Chair
Father Dimitrios Moraitis - Parish Priest
John Panteleos - Parish Council President
Committee Members: Ron Baisden, Jim Bouzianis, Greg Filias, Valerie Filias, Kristina Goumas, Bekki Iordanou and Nancy Notis

Make a Pledge Payment
